SUDOSCAN Utility in Diabetes: Recap of Successful 2020 Web Conference
Impeto Medical held a web conference on July 10th for diabetologists, focusing on "Quick Screening and Multifactorial Interventions for the Management of Diabetic Foot Risk: A UK Experience."
During this web conference we had the pleasure to get an enriching feedback from Dr Dinesh SELVARAJAH (Senior Lecturer Clinical Diabetes – University of Sheffield) who explained Diabetes complications and model of one stop screening clinic with a focus on how to prevent diabetic foot and the role of SUDOSCAN. He has thereby presented the recent publication on The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology* (summary available here) showing the utility of SUDOSCAN in the early diagnosis of diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN).
We were very excited by the success of the conference with more than 60 attendees. Further web conferences will be organized within the next months focusing on other SUDOSCAN applications area.
(*) Selvarajah D, Kar D, Khunti K, Davies MJ, Scott AR, Walker J, Tesfaye S. “Diabetic peripheral neuropathy: advances in diagnosis and strategies for screening and early intervention”. The Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol 2019. Volume 7, Issue 12, p938-948, December 01, 2019.